Creative skills of publicists of the Alash movement in the history of the Kazakh press


  • Жaксылыкбaевa Р. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        68 32


newspaper, article, the chief editor, author, state, Alash intelligentsia.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the political power of the people was at the beginning  of the Alash movement with a political culture at the level of universal, educated, respected, centuriesold spiritual values. Bokeikhanov, A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov M. Tynyshbaev, Z. Akbaev, M. Seralin, B. Karataev, M. Shokai, M. Zhumabaev M. Dulatov, Zh. A. Amauitov, T. Ryskulov, S.Sadvakasov, HA. Dosmukhamedov S. Seifullin and others.It was then that the first newspapers in the Kazakh language were published on Kazakh soil. The main goal of these newspapers was to meet the needs of the local population, important events and phenomena in the life of the country. The purpose of this article is to provide a сomprehensive scientific analysis of the work of the publicist Alash and work in the press. To this end, the author proves the earliest work of people fighting for freedom in the early twentieth century, through publications and published articles in the press. Alash writers, as a source, use their left-wing works. The article analyzes the significant role of publications in the public and the formation of public opinion in comparison with today’s press. The press or the role of the press is huge, Alash referrals have clearly defined the place of the press in society. The stone was printed and showed how the power of so-called breeding was to be used for the benefit of the Kazakh people. In a scientific article, the main task of Alash publicists in the press is to declare that our nation is a source of learning, art, and culture, thus identifying our country. The author of the book tells the story of how large the mass of their own social and spiritual life is.

Author Biography

Жaксылыкбaевa Р., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty


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How to Cite

Р., Ж. (2019). Creative skills of publicists of the Alash movement in the history of the Kazakh press. Herald of Journalism, 50(4), 93–97. Retrieved from