The role and importance of PR in sports organizations
media, PR, competitions, sports organizations, marketing.Abstract
The article reviewed the peculiarities, functions and principles of the press and PR in the field of sports, international competitions. At the same time, the methodology and methods of organizing PR work were analyzed. During the study of PR-work in the field of sports, the functions of communication with the media and other organizations, features of work with enterprises and external public organizations were carefully studied. The Methods and ways of organizing charity events for children’s and youth sports schools, sports and recreational institutions are analyzed. Also ways to support sports veterans, children’s and teen sports schools and organizations. Sports can be viewed as a tool of PR, and special attention is paid to raising the country’s image through the development of sports and the organization of such major sports competitions. Nowadays, young people are more influenced by athletes than singers or other television stars. If the conditions for holding such events in Kazakhstan are properly, then this will be a prerequisite for the development of not only sports, but also tourism. Organization of a press conference, creative and scientific activities of sports journalists in the field of sports and physical education (sports exhibitions, sports competitions, essays, etc.).
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