Media culture: a cultural model of the information society in Kazakhstan


  • Б. Мусaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Mudur Ibrahim DILEK
  • А. А. Қурмaнбaевa

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media culture, media space, information culture, mass communication.


The article describes the media culture of Kazakhstan, where fundamental changes have occurred in the media sector over the past decade. Democratic reforms and the adoption of the law “On the Mass Media of the Republic of Kazakhstan” caused a quantitative and qualitative growth of the mass media. For this reason, there are about two thousand print publications in Kazakhstan, of which 85% are non-state. Thus, news resources, blogs and online platforms are now part of the Kazakhstan media culture.

 Currently, media culture requires a comprehensive study and understanding, since its influence on the processes and phenomena of life is noticeable and tangible. Speaking of media literacy, we focus on the concept of culture. As for culture, we can synchronize it with spiritual values. It includes language, customs, traditions, history, national characteristics. And the sphere of media culture is very wide, exten-sive, deep. Medieval culture is a combination of centuries-old information and communication tools in the history of mankind. This is a complex of intellectual and material values. The first function of media culture is information, the second is communicative, the next is ideological, advertising, entertainment, creative and integrative. These concepts are the functions of modern media culture, where the main goal is to unite people, to call for friendship and peace.


