The influence of Human consciousness on Media: media-psychological aspect


  • Есенбековa У. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

        96 84


media, psychological impact, media competence, media immunity, social filter, harmful information, ways of protection.


The socialization of a person in society takes place in conjunction with his ethnic, linguistic, cultural,
and historical memory and reflects the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual. Thus, the
socio-psychological methods demonstrate the personality characteristics and the attitude of a person to
property, power, and society.
The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of the formation of social psychological
and personal properties of a person through mass communication. The focus of the study is on systematization
and analysis of the methods used by the media to change public awareness.
The scientific and practical value of the research consists in analyzing information by highlighting
the social and psychological characteristics of the media and in determining the possibility of formulating
a socially useful position. According to the author, the professional journalistic community objectively
highlighting processes or events can set the direction for positive development.
Along with empirical methods such as description, control, and comparison, theoretical methods
based on axioms in the works of foreign scientists were used for the subject analysis.
The main result of a scientific article is to show the importance of the activities of the journalistic
community, which adequately fulfills its obligations to protect the interests of the Kazakh people. The
article formulates a hypothesis about the complex structure of the mechanisms of influence of modern
media on human psychology. The emphasis is on the correct identification of key concepts such as media
product, media consumption, media competence and media immunity.
The value of the article is to consider the problems of the influence of the historically established
nomadic civilization on the processes of reviving the national identity of the Kazakhs. The influence of
market relations, economic structure on the development of the legal culture of society and the nation is
analyzed. Psychological methods that have a devastating effect on human consciousness, are aimed at
people through the means of mass communication. Their behavior can be compared with the destructive
impact on human consciousness. The author analyzed these problems in conjunction with the national
mentality, studied the specifics of the role of the media in raising the cognitive level of the population
and methods of confronting media psychological technologies.
All communication tools are focused on the “crowd psychology”, which is based on the concept of
commercial income. Television and computer screens are powerful hypnotic remedies. They focus on
changing the consciousness and moral norms of society. Many people think that they “independently
choose information and make a decision”. In fact, the media strive to make a choice for them and place
the ready-made solution in the human mind. In informational terms, this can be compared with zombies.
In his study, the author draws attention to media competence, which is a set of knowledge and flexible
mechanisms that allow to distinguish socially significant information from manipulative information.
In the digital age, the information security of the state and society consists of complex components,
which, in turn, require extensive initial research. Raising the level of knowledge and skills of a society, a
person is possible only with the active involvement of media structures in the process of protecting the
information interests of the state.


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How to Cite

У., Е. (2019). The influence of Human consciousness on Media: media-psychological aspect. Herald of Journalism, 52(2), 38–46.



Journalism: Society. Language. History. Policy. Law. Economy.