Public policy and national idea in the Kazakh press


  • Курманбаева А.А. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Мухаметкалиева С.Ж.
  • Альмиш Ж.Т.



media, national idea, politics, power, public opinion, press service.


The purpose of the article: Despite the fact that the media did not have a place in the direct sense in the field of power, its role in politics and ideology is very high. In particular, the press reveals the functions of state policy, and assigns the creative and technical power of editorial activity to the chan- nel of ideology. Now the world is in the process of basing the media not on moral values, but on trade and production. In this node, the research article was based on a very important topic. A national idea on the market can be popular in print publications. Therefore, the work, constructed by the method of



comporal research, examines the activities of the national and local press in the interests of the country and the state.

Main results. In his research article “Kazakh”, which became the main theme of the national idea on the pages of the press, a review of publications, works of art, scientific literature that have been published since independence, topics that were taken into account as a scientific basis. The research in the article shows that the Kazakh journalism has become the light of the era since then and does not lose its main activity.

Relevance of the study. The language and hearing in Newspapers and magazines, the national spirit, traditions, and the combination of public policy should be evaluated in the light of modern times and identified as an essential topic in the history of national journalism. With the help of theoretical works,  including in the field of information categories, I put the most relevant articles, reports and examinations in the size.


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