Characteristics of Information Communicative Means in Use
mass media, communication, journalist, Internet, ques- tionnaire, «vkontakte», «Facebook», «Twitter», «Youtube».Abstract
In article it is told about use of information communicative means in the modern world. Authors of article give definition to such concepts as «mass media», «mass information», «journalist», define requirements imposed to representatives of the fourth power including importance of knowledge of foreign languages, reveal a big role of information in forma- tion and development of conscious in society. Authors of article carried out questionnaire with 60 respondents for the purpose of studying of use of information technologies by students and defining their level of com- munication.
2 Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2011 жылғы 30 желтоқсандағы № 1718 Каулысы.
3 Ter-Minasova S.G. Yazyk i mezhkulturnye kommunikacii. – M., 2000.
1 «Bailanys turaly» Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn 2004 zhylgy 5 shildedegi Zany
2 Kazakhstan Respublikasy Ukimetinin 2011 zhylgy 30 zhletoksandagy № 1718 Kaulysy
3 Ter-Minasova S.G. Yazyk i mezhkulturnye kommunikacii. – M., 2000.