Occasional phraseological actualization images in the prag- matic structure of spoken genre
pragmosemantika, okkazional idiom, artistic text, prag- matics, semantics.Abstract
The article deals with the pragmatic method actualization of occa- sional phraseology in speech pragmosemantics. For today focuses on the pragmatic way of education nonce words, as this method has the advan- tage of creativity and science. This method allows researchers to analyze the semantic and structural-component link text.
Literature authors phraseological personality with aim of idea, image, situational versatile opens more methods occasional phraseological.
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1 Шмелева Т.В. Речевой жанр: Опыт общефилологического осмысления // Междунар. научн-худож. журн. – 1995. –
№1-2. – С. 57-65.
2 Сусов И.П. Прагматическая структура высказывания // Языковое общение и его единицы. – Калинин, 1986. – С. 15-21.
3 Болотнова А.С. Художественный текст в коммуникативном аспекте и комплексный анализ единиц лексического уровня. – Томск: Изд. Томского ин-та, 1992. – 312 с
4 Арутюнова Н.Д. Аномалии и язык (к проблеме языковой картины мира) // Вопросы языкознания. – 1987. – № 3. – С. 5-11.
5 Кеңесбаев І. Қазақ тілінің фразеологиялық сөздігі. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1977. – 712
1 Shmelev T.V. Speech genre: Experience general philological interpretation // Intern. scientific and artistic. Zh. – 1995. – №1- 2. – p. 57-65.
2 Susov I. P. Pragmatic statements // structure of linguistic communication and unity. – Kalinin, 1986. -p. 15-21.
3 Bolotnova A.S. The literary text in the communicative aspect and comprehensive analysis of the lexical level units. – Tomsk Univ. Tomsk Inst, 1992. – 312 p.
4 Arutyunova N.D. Anomalies and language (to the problem of linguistic world) // Questions of linguistics. – 1987. – № 3. – P. 5-11.
5 Kenesbaev I. Kazakh language phrasebook. – Almaty: Gylym, 1977. – 712 p.
How to Cite
Ж., А., & Л., Е. (2020). Occasional phraseological actualization images in the prag- matic structure of spoken genre. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 86–89. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1192
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