Intellectual values in Kazakhstan society: issues of social capital
intellectual values, social capital, intellectual capacity, hu- manitarian technologies, public opinion.Abstract
The article discusses the role of intellectual property in Kazakhstan society. Attempt a systematic analysis of information and communication technologies aimed at creating intellectual nation in Kazakhstan. Analysis of factors affecting the development of the intellectual capital of the nation and the formation of spiritual and moral values, ethical norms as the main indicator of development of education and science has allowed to define the main directions of the development of original technology, creating intellectual capital of the nation. Practical examples based on the results of original research of the authors engage in research work of students of KazNU named
1 Назарбаев Н. Выступление на встрече со стипендиатами программы «Болашак». – 11 ноября 2014 г.
2 Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің ресми сайты – г.
1 Nazarbaev N. Vyistuplenie na vstreche so stipendiatami programmyi «Bolashak». – 11 noyabrya 2014 g.
2 Sait Presidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan