The fortune of nation in the poem of Gumar Karash


  • Абдикалык К.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        111 49


government Alash-Orda, the Provisional Government, the February Revolution, the parties, collections, nation, place, century, reli- gion, Alash party.


The article was revealed undertone of the poem of Gumar Karash

«Zаlaldy torgailar», unknown audience of wide lap. Only because of the undertone of writer’s works is acquired the true content. The present time artistic heritage of Gumar Karash, in particular, his poem «Zalaldy torgailar» continues to search and discover new verges of meaning of his works. This part of creativity is well-known to poet remains poorly understood in pres- ent time, and that led to the necessity of studying this problem.


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How to Cite

К.С., А. (2020). The fortune of nation in the poem of Gumar Karash. Herald of Journalism, 37(1). Retrieved from