A characteristic feature of the poetics of Abai


  • Жеделов Қ.О. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Бекбосынов М.Н.
        23 15


national culture and spiritual heritage, national history, religion, politics, ethnicity, migration, Russian colonization, up to date, Alash.


The author rightly argues that in the works of Abai Kunanbai many hidden – a characteristic feature of his poetics and history of the people. Only because of the writer’s works subtext acquire true content. Currently, creative and in particular its Article continue to explore and discover new semantic facets of his works.


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3 Әлиев М. Қазақ тарихы туралы бірер сөз // Ақиқат, 1997, №2,3.
4 Бартольд В.В. История культурной жизни Туркистана. Ленинград, 1927, 360 бет.
5 Бабатайұлы Д. Тұнық тұма. Өсиетнама:өлеңдер мен дастандар,(1-кітап); Дулат жырау тағылымы: сын-зерттеу, көз- қарастар (2-кітап). Құр: Раев Қ. Алматы, 2002, 288 б.
6 Мырзахмет М. Абайтану тарихы. Алматы, 1999, 192 б.


1 Әuezov M. Abai Құnanbaev. Almaty, 1995, 320 б.
2 Abai. Shyғarmalarynyң ekі tomdyқ tolyқ zhinaғy. Almaty,
3 M. Әliev Kazakh tarikhy turaly bіrer soz // Aқiқat, 1997, №2,3.
4 VV Bartold. Turkistan historia culturae. Leningrad, , 1927, 360 bet.
5 D. Babatayұly Tұnyқ tұma. Өsietnama: өleңder mutatur dastandar (Kitap I); Dulat zhyrau taғylymy: Exploration & filius, kөzқarastar (Kitap-II). Құr: Rayev Ka cum descender. Almaty, 2002, 288 б.
6 M. Myrzakhmet Abaytanu tarikhy. Almaty, 1999, 192 б.


