Poetics essays Aizharyka Sadibekuly


  • Ермағанбетова З.Н. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Оразова А.Қ.
  • Абдуллаева А.
        42 27


writer and publicist, career, materials of the periodical press, problem descriptions, genre particular, artistic level, the image of the character.


The article discusses the career of the famous publicist, writer Ayzhary- ka Sadibekuly. Identified genre, theme features published materials publi- cist, higher contribution to the development of journalism land of cheese. Analyzes journalistic literature that A.Sadibekuly pondering the fate of the people and their future, helping the reader to thereby realize the processes taking place in society. The article reveals the essence of the idea of art es- says publicist, who devoted more than half a century of his life journalism


1 Сәдібекұлы А. Әлімнің әжесі // Ленин жолы. 1967,17 мамыр.
2 Омашев Н. Қазақ журналистикасы. –Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2009
3 Сәдібекұлы А. Шұғыла шуағы . –Алматы: АRNA-B, 2011.
4 Сәдібекұлы А. Дүбірлі күндер тынысы // Жаңадария. 1967, 15 шілде.
5 Стрельцов Б. Основы публицистики. Жанры. – Минск, 1990. – С.230.
6 Ыдырысов Т. Шеберлік бастауы. –Алматы: Мектеп, 1984.


1 Sadibekuly A. Alimnin azhesi // Lenin zholy. 1967, 17 mamyr.
2 Omashev N. Qazaq zhurnalistikasy. -Almaty: Qazaq Universiteti, 2009
3 Sadіbekuly A. Shugyla shuagy. -Almaty: ARNA-B, 2011.
4 Sadіbekuly A. Dubіrlі kүnder tynysy // Zhanadariya. 1967 15 shіlde.
5 Strelcov B. Osnovy publicistiki. Zhanry. – Minsk, 1990. – s.230.
6 Ydyrysov T. Sheberlіk bastauy. -Almaty: Mektep, 1984.


How to Cite

З.Н., Е., А.Қ., О., & А., А. (2020). Poetics essays Aizharyka Sadibekuly. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 320–324. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1235