Some ways of translating Abai’s metaphors


  • Жапарова А.Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        106 90


metaphor, individual­author metaphor, image and poetic metaphor, concept spheres, translation.


The paper tells about an actual problem of linguistics – a metaphor and its role in a poetic composition of the work. The paper gives special attention to individual author’s metaphors (actually­poetic ones), concep­ tual­thematic world picture in the light of individual­author metaphor. Individual­author metaphors of the great Kazakh poet Abai are studied    in the reality of concept spheres. On the material of Abai’s poetic texts the meaning of individual­author metaphors is revealed. Diverse methods, ways and keys of metaphor translation, which were described by different scholars and researchers, are given in this article.


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How to Cite

А.Ж., Ж. (2020). Some ways of translating Abai’s metaphors. Herald of Journalism, 37(2), 512–516. Retrieved from