Intense periodof development of pension provisioning of the people of Kazakhstan


  • Жарболова А.Ш. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        36 31


pensioners, pension, pensions, accumulating pension fund.


The article gives a complete picture of the pension system at pres­ ent stage of development of Kazakhstan. Reform of the pension system is primarily focused on its further development, increase the level of pension provision the most disadvantaged sectors of the population and improve the economic stability of the country. Feature of the reformwas the fact that accumulative system was introduced not as anadditional, as well as the basic element of non­governmental pension. The specific figures shows the ascending order pension accruals over the past years, and a positive development of the system, compared with other countries of independent states.


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How to Cite

А.Ш., Ж. (2020). Intense periodof development of pension provisioning of the people of Kazakhstan. Herald of Journalism, 37(2), 518–522. Retrieved from