«Word of independence» nursultan nazarbayev and reflections on it


  • Дәдебаев Ж. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Мұсалы Л.
  • Бисенбаев П.
        60 117


word, independence, genre, essays, art, fine, expression, opinion, idea, value philosophy.


The article is devoted to the comprehension of the content and signifi- cance of the festive speech President Nursultan Nazarbayev «The Word of independence», which is released at a solemn meeting on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 15, 2014. In the «Lay of independence» reflected the phenomena of reality in the form of ideas and thoughts, opinions and ideas.


1 Текст выступления Главы государства 15 декабря 2014 года «Слово о Независимости».
2 Абай Құнанбаев. Шығармаларының екі томдық толық жинағы, екінші том. – Алматы: «Ғылым», 1977, 183-б.


1 Tekst vystupleniya Glavy gosudarstva 15 dekabrya 2014 goda «Slovo o Nezavisimosti»
2 Abai Kunanbaev. Shygarmalarynyn eki tomdyk tolyk jinagi, ekinshi tom. – Almaty: «Gylym», 1977, 183-bet


How to Cite

Ж., Д., Л., М., & П., Б. (2020). «Word of independence» nursultan nazarbayev and reflections on it. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 146–150. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1274