Values form the new Kazakhstan patriotism


  • Султанбаева Г.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Ложникова О.П.
  • Ахметов М.
        73 63


patriotism, intellectual nation survey spiritual valuesintel- lectual potential, intellectual nation, publication, science problems.


The article discusses the deliberate, systematic outreach and educa- tion among young people through the media and the educational system in order to form the young Kazakhstani patriotism. In this type of education should include all social institutions, where the personality, the formation of civil qualities and its legal culture. It is necessary to form a proper system of values among young people, based on qualities such as diligence, hon- or, integrity, commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement, discipline.

The results of a survey of young people in three cities of Kazakhstan

– Kyzylorda, Aktau and Astane. The authors conclude that the role of pa- triotism in the lives of today’s youth.


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1 Қazaқstan Respublikasy Prezidentіnің resmi sajty – 30.10.2014 g.
2 Konvencija ob ohrane nematerial›nogo kul›turnogo nasledija. Prinjata 17 oktjabrja 2003 goda General›noj konferenciej Organizacii Ob#edinennyh Nacij po voprosam obrazovanija, nauki i kul›tury \\ Bjulleten› mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Respubliki Kazahstan. – 2012 g. – № 6. – S. 76.


How to Cite

Г.С., С., О.П., Л., & М., А. (2020). Values form the new Kazakhstan patriotism. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 152–156. Retrieved from