Translation peculiarities of the poem Zhuban moldagaliyev ‘I am Kazakh» into the russian language


  • Қазыбек Г.Қ. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        160 39


translation, original, poem, poet, rhyme, verse, poetics.


The article discusses the history of the translation of the poem Zhuban Moldagaliyev «I am Kazakh» into the Russian language. The author of the article carefully analyzed types of translation, shortcomings and achieve- ments of the translation, translators of the poem by Zh. Moldagaliyev into the Russian language are also indicated here. The life and work R. Kaza- kova, a translator of the poem into Russian, is given as well. Compared The passages from the poem are compared. Iinferences and conclusions are made.


1 Сокол казахской степи. 50 лет поэме «Я – казах!» // Газета «Информбиржа news».13 (1029) . 27 марта 2014 г.
2 Молдағалиев Жұбан. Мен қазақпын. – 1964. – 23 б.
3 Молдагалиев Ж. Я казах! Стихотворения и поэмы. Перевод с казахского. – Астана: Аударма, 2010. – 568 с.


1 Sokol kazahskoi stepi. 50 let poeme «Ya – kazah!» // Gazeta «Informbirzha news». 13 (1029) . 27 marta 2014 g
2 Moldagaliyev Zhuban. Men kazahpyn. – 1964 zh. – 23 b
3 Moldagaliyev Zhuban. Ya kazah! Stikhotvoreniya i poemy. Perevod s kazahskogo. – Astana: Audarma, 2010. – 568 str.


How to Cite

Г.Қ., Қ. (2020). Translation peculiarities of the poem Zhuban moldagaliyev ‘I am Kazakh» into the russian language. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 214–219. Retrieved from