Contribution of Mass Media to the Development of Ethno-Folk Ensemble «Turan»


  • Bekmoldinov N.S. Kazakh National Academy of arts. T. Zhurgenova, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Kurmanbayeva A.A. University «Turan», Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Aliev E.B. Kazakh National Academy of arts. T. Zhurgenova, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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mass media, ethno-folk ensemble, audience, traditional music art, composition, repertoire.


This article examines in detail the contribution of mass media to the development of the ethno-folk ensemble «Turan»,  which has become a kind of motif of the Kazakh musical art. The media introduced      the ensemble «Turan» to the audience with its performance features. The relationship between the en- semble and the audience (audience, listeners) is described. Thanks to modern technologies, you can feel  and understand the performing communication capabilities of the ensemble. The media should also pay special attention to the promotion of national art. The formation and development of the ethno-folk en- semble, its special contribution to national music is deeply analyzed with specific scientific formulations. Purpose of article: Consideration of a new stage of national art, which has a three-thousand-year history of the Kazakh people, using new technologies in the XXI century. Historical, cultural values, musical art associated with traditional culture have mostly come down to us in oral form: in songs, legends, zhyrs, etc. from generation to generation. And this practice and tradition can now be heard through the perfor- mance of an ethno-folk group covered by the media.

Scientific results of the article: The article about the contribution of the ethno-folk ensemble Turan to the development of Kazakh musical art reviewed articles and works of musicologists, composers and scientists in the press. The literature used in the article shows at what stage musical works are performed, on what instrument they can be processed, it can not be deprived of its relevance and significant activity. Methodology and relevance of the study: In the study of the ethno-folk ensemble “Turan”, the works of Russian scientists who described the most important stages of the formation of folk music were studied and analyzed. Scientists such as: M. Magauin, E.D. Tursynov, A.I. Mukhambetova, T. Asemkulov, etc. thanks to their work, a methodological base was formed. The ethno-folk group has made an invaluable contribution to the revival and transformation, transformation and presentation of traditional musical instruments: Zhetygen, dabyl, sazsyrnai, etc.


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