Features of formation of cross-cultural competence of foreign students in training and cross-cultural communication of mass media





Relevance of the study. Currently, the problem of cross-cultural communication in the process of teaching foreign languages is very relevant, especially when teaching mass media. The article will focus on the fact that when studying the media and mastering the language as a foreign language, it is nec-essary to take into account that if a foreign student knows the culture of the country, the educational

process will be successful. The types of work offered in the article contribute to the activation of foreign students and contribute to the development of intercultural communication. The article summarizes and proves the theoretical works and conclusions of students that they allow the teacher to organize the audi-ence correctly, quickly, and adjust alternative forms of work.

Purpose of article. This article discusses the features of the formation of intercultural competence of foreign students in teaching and intercultural communication in the media. It is important to teach students to see differences between cultures, to understand the characteristics of another culture, to overcome stereotypes, and to master speech etiquette, which generates trust and respect for another culture and allows them to feel confident in communication.

When writing the article, other research methods were used, along with methods of theoretical, methodological, comparative, logical, and content analysis. The analysis of theoretical works is carried out.


Main results. The research article presents a review of publications and works, scientific literature on the topic of features of the formation of intercultural competence of foreign students in intercultural communication, the topics of which are taken into account as a scientific basis.

Practical significance of the work this material can be used as an application in the study of the problem of formation of cross-cultural competence in cross-cultural communication, which is currently relevant both in the field of journalism and in language learning.

Key words: intercultural communication, intercultural competence, mass media training, cultural diversity, cultural dialogue.



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