Information resources for the reconstruction of the collective portrait of the headquarters of the 316th rifle division in 1941


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The article talks about the author’s search work for staff of the headquarters of the first body of the 316th rifle division in 1941 in the battle of Moscow. The goal: based on the open archives of Russia and Kazakhstan in 2017, to give an analysis of the personal data of staff employees of 1941.

Methods: Methodology of comparative-historical research, methodology and technique of socio- logical research, comparative-historical method and analysis of statistical data, etc. Take advantage of interdisciplinary methodology, content analysis, and qualitative document analysis.

Based on the study of only recently discovered data for researchers, a number of important conclu- sions that refute the opinions voiced in the twentieth and early 21st centuries were made. The headquar- ters included representatives of 6 nationalities of the country. More than a quarter of the headquarters were non-partisan people. 77.8% of commanders with higher and secondary education worked at the headquarters. 54.2% of staff employees did not have a military education, which is one of the reasons why the division was called militia. The division served as a bridgehead for the offensive operations of the Moscow battle, which drove the enemy hundreds of kilometers from the capital.

The practical significance of the study is the possibility of using its results in the field of culture and history. The results of the study can be integrated into educational processes. Tips and recommendations are given to journalists and PR specialists on how to cover topics based on the search for archival materials and its analysis. Materials can be included in history, journalism and public relations textbooks of the

twentieth century.

Key words: 316 rifle division, Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Central Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, journalists, archive works coverage in media.



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Braithwaite; Moscow 1941; Vintage Books, New York, 2007; p. 298; Oleg Borisov, Boris Koloskov. Soviet-Chinese relations, 1945—1970; Indiana University Press (1975). ISBN 9780253354105. pp. 163—164; Toni Nelles. Zeittafel zur Militärgeschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1949 bis 1968; Deutscher Militärverlag (1969). OCLC 4984029. p. 204; Klaus Froh. Chronik der NVA, der Grenztruppen und der Zivilverteidigung der DDR 1956-1990. Köster (2010). ISBN 9783895747458. p. 140; Рейнгард К. Поворот под Москвой. Крах гитлеровской стратегии зимой 1941/1942 года. – М., 1980; Харт Б.Л. Битвы Третьего Рейха. Воспоминания высших чинов генералитета нацистской Германии. – М., 2000; Хаупт В. Битва за Москву. – Первое решающее сражение Второй мировой. 1941-1942. –М., 2010.‒ 220 с. ISBN 978-5-227-02169-4
ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 1-9; ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.5, лл. 1-8. ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.5, лл. 7об. -8.
ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 1-9. Подсчеты произведены автором. ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.5, лл. 1-8. Подсчеты произведены автором.
Центральный Государственный Архив Республики Казахстан (ЦГА РК), фонд Б. Момыш-улы, ф. 1432, оп.1, д. 5, лл.7- 8,112: Снегин Д. На дальних подступах. Собрание сочинений, том 5. – Алма-Ата, 1983. – 575 с. /97/
Наумов Н.Ф. В заснеженных полях Подмосковья. – Жуковский: Кучково поле. 2006. – 412. /215/
Фон Бок, Федор. Я стоял у ворот Москвы. Военный дневник командующего группой армий «Центр». – М., 2011. – 512 с. ISBN 978-5-699-53085-4; Гальдер Ф. Военный дневник. 1941-1942. – М., 2012-704 с. ISBN 978-5-271-41037-6; Хаупт В.
Битва за Москву. – Первое решающее сражение Второй мировой. 1941-1942. –М., 2010.‒ 220 с. ISBN 978-5-227-02169-4 ЦАМО РФ, ф. 1063, оп.1, д. 4, л. 1-3.
ЦАМО РФ, ф.1063, оп.1, д. 4, л. 4.
Трефилов А. У ворот Москвы. – Алма-Ата: Казахстан. – 1982. -136 с. /7/.
Хаупт В. Битва за Москву. – Первое решающее сражение Второй мировой. 1941-1942. –М., 2010.‒ 220 с. /160-161/. ISBN 978-5-227-02169-4
Таблицы 1-9 составлены автором по материалам данных ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 1-9; ф.8 гвсд, оп.2, д.5, лл. 1-8. ЦАМО РФ, ф. 8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 7 об. – 8.
ЦАМО РФ, ф. 8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 2 об. – 3.
ЦАМО РФ, ф. 8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 3 об. – 4.
ЦАМО РФ, ф. 8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 5 об. – 6.
ЦАМО РФ, ф. 8 гвсд, оп.2, д.14, лл. 3 об. – 4.
Таблица 10 составлена автором по материалам ЦАМО РФ, ф.8 гвсд, оп.8, д.84, лл. 12, 19, 23, 33, 34, 42, 42а.


Grigoriev V. K., Akhmetova L. S. Yarostniy 1941. Razmishleniya Istorikov (Fierce 1941. Reflections of historians). ‒ Almaty, 2011. ‒ 384 p., ISBN 978-601-247-167-0; Grigoriev V. K., Akhmetova L. S. Panfilovtsy. 60 dney podviga, stavshih legendoi (Pan- filov men: 60 days of feat, which became a legend). ‒ Almaty, 2013. ‒ 280 p., ISBN 978-601-247-965-2; Akhmetova L. S. Pan- filovtsy: nashi gordost, nashi slava (Panfilov’s men: our pride, our glory). ‒ Almaty, 2020. 724 pages, ISBN 978-601-7419-20-2.
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Von Bock, Fedor. I was standing at the gates of Moscow. Military diary of the commander of the army group «Center» ‒ M., 2011. ‒ 512 p., ISBN 978-5-699-53085-4; Halder F. War diary. 1941-1942. ‒ M., 2012-704 p., ISBN 978-5-271-41037-6; Rodric
Braithwaite; Moscow 1941; Vintage Books, New York, 2007, p. 298; Oleg Borisov, Boris Koloskov. Soviet-Chinese relations, 1945—1970; Indiana University Press (1975). ISBN 9780253354105. pp. 163—164; Toni Nelles. Zeittafel zur Militärgeschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1949 bis 1968; Deutscher Militärverlag (1969). OCLC 4984029. p. 204; Klaus Froh. Chronik der NVA, der Grenztruppen und der Zivilverteidigung der DDR 1956-1990. Köster (2010). ISBN 9783895747458. p. 140; Reinhard
K. Turn near Moscow. The collapse of Hitler’s strategy in the winter of 1941/1942. ‒ M., 1980; Hart B. L. Battle of the Third Reich. Memoirs of the highest ranks of the general of Nazi Germany. ‒ M., 2000; Haupt V. Battle for Moscow. ‒ The first decisive battle of World War II. 1941-1942. -M., 2010. ‒ 220 p., ISBN 978-5-227-02169-4.
CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 14, p. 1-9; f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 1-8. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 7.-8.
CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 14, p. 1-9. The author made the calculations. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 1-8. The author made the calculations.
Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CSA of RK), B. Momysh-uli Foundation, f. 1432, inventory 1, case 5, p.7-8., Snegin D. On the far approaches. Collected works, volume 5. ‒ Alma-Ata, 1983. ‒ 575 p. /97/
Naumov N.F. In the snowy fields of the Moscow region. ‒ Zhukovsky: Kuchkovo field. 2006. – 412. /215/
Von Bock, Fedor. I was standing at the gates of Moscow. Military diary of the commander of the army group «Center.» ‒ M., 2011. ‒ 512 p. ISBN 978-5-699-53085-4; Halder F. War diary. 1941-1942. ‒ M., 2012-704 p., ISBN 978-5-271-41037-6; Haupt V.
Battle for Moscow. ‒ The first decisive battle of World War II. 1941-1942. -M., 2010. ‒ 220 p., ISBN 978-5-227-02169-4 CAMD of RF, f. 1063, inventory 1, case 4, p. 1-3.
CAMD of RF, f.1063, inventory 1, case 4, p. 4.
Trefilov A. U vorot Moskvi (At the gates of Moscow). ‒ Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan. ‒ 1982. -136 p./7/.
Haupt V. Battle for Moscow. ‒ The first decisive battle of World War II. 1941-1942. -M., 2010. ‒ 220 p. /160-161/. ISBN 978-
Tables 1-9 were compiled by the author based on the materials of the data of the CAMD RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 14, p. 1-9; f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 1-8.
CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 7.-8. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 2.-3. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 3.-4. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 5.-6. CAMD of RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 2, case 5, p. 3.-4.
Table 10 is compiled by the author based on the materials of the CAMD RF, f.8 Guards rifle division, inventory 8, case 84, p.
12, 19, 23, 33, 34, 42, 42 a.


