Frame as a cognitive structure in the mass media texts


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This article discusses the concept of "frame", which is used as the study of artificial intelligence. Currently, the term "frame" is widely used in sociology, psychology, linguistics, journalism. Frame has acquired several clarifying definitions in each individual humanitarian science. The article also gives interpretations of the "frame” concept by various researchers, the key characteristics of the frame structure. The classification of frames presented distinguishes the following types: frames-samples; frames-instances; frames-structures; frames-roles; frames-scenarios; frames-situations. The frame structure including constitutive, formal and target sub frames is described. The goal is to study the language of media text viewing the main cognitive knowledge formats and their linguistic objectification implementation. The main directions and ideas of scientific research: the existing typology of concepts is unstable, as evidenced by the identification of subspecies of existing types of mental units by researchers; in media texts, information is recognized in the following frequency cognitive formats: concept, concept, frame, scenario, gestalt. The theoretical relevance is that it makes a certain contribution to a new stage of understanding the problem solving of language correlation and thought structures, language and cognitive processes at different levels of their interaction of the mass media text. The research results increase the ways of presenting new knowledge about the world in the media. A significant research result is the classification of the main language cliche characteristics based on the studies as a focal point for the further concepts typology development. The practical relevance is the opportunity of the obtained results to apply in the following elective cycle disciplines: "Cognitive Linguistics"," Linguoculturology", etc., in the preparation of textbooks for students, postgraduates of philological and journalism faculties. The article consists of the following parts: introduction, statement of goals and objectives, comparative review of the "frame" concept by various linguists, discussion of research methods and conclusions.

Keywords: frame, cognitive linguistics, slots, typical slots, frame-scenario, sketch-frame.

Author Biographies

S. A. Sadykova, K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

        Sadykova Saule Altynbayevna - PhD, senior lecturer of "Foreign philology and translation " department of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Aktobe. Tel.: +77016639347. E-mail:

A. Sautbaeva, K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

Sautbaeva Asel Karabayevna – postgraduate of "Foreign Philology and Translation " department of  K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Aktobe. Tel.: +77767166677. E-mail:


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Electronic resources:
1. Karpov V.E. Frejmy [Elektronnyj resurs] − Rezhim dostupa: [12.10.15].

Сведения об авторах:
На каз.:
Сaдыкoвa Сaулe Алтынбaeвнa - PhD, '' Шетел филологиясы және аударма ісі" кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе Өңірлік Университет, тел. +77016639347. E-mail:
Саутбаева Асель Карабаевна - '' Шетел филологиясы және аударма ісі" кафедрасының магистранты, Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе Өңірлік Университет, тел. +77767166677. E-mail:


How to Cite

Sadykova, S. A., & Sautbaeva, A. (2021). Frame as a cognitive structure in the mass media texts. Herald of Journalism, 61(3).