The role of using the language of feelings and emotions in mass media texts
This article examines the phenomenon of feeling, defines how it manifests in the linguistic aspect of the person and analyzes the types of emotional aspects found in mass media texts. Research purpose is the comparative study of linguo-cultural characteristics of emotional vocabulary in Kazakh and English. The main goals and objectives of scientific research are as follows: to determine the volume and composition; to define the lexical and semantic features; to reveal the national-cultural function; to determine cultural-national connotation; to address issues of national acculturation of words that express feelings in English and Kazakh mass media texts. The functions of language are considered in conjunction with its sensory functions, the meaning of language as the general tool for this purpose is comprehensively revealed. A person's worldview is defined, different emotional states of feeling, the world of art and the language of national identity are presented. The findings of the study broaden the possibilities for presenting new knowledge of the world through the media. A significant research result is the study process of the features of the expression of feelings and emotions. Research methods used: content analysis, continuous sampling method, method of linguistic analysis. Research value is the importance and scientific significance of comparative analyses in English and Kazakh feelings vocabulary, which is a new and quite promising direction of linguistics. The study of this phenomenon gives writers, poets, linguists, journalists and other creative professionals the prerequisite for the development of feelings vocabulary.
Key words: feeling, emotions, phenomena, mass media texts, language aspects, genres, the notion of feelings.
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