Intellectual goals of the leaders of alash and their national knowledge
In the early twentieth century, during the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people, the Alash movement emerged. His main goal was the creation of an independent Kazakh state. The “Alash” people were highly educated people, true scholars, who had deep knowledge in social, humanitarian and natural science knowledge. The article deals with the figures of “Alash” and representatives of the Kazakh administrative elite, scientific and creative intelligentsia laid the foundation of the Kazakh state- hood. By the author of this article, it was defined that works of Kazakh journalism and Alash intellectuals still require a lot of research to determine that.
Key words: newspaper,article,the chiefeditor, author,state, Alashintelligentsia.
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5 Babak V., Vaisman D., Wasserman A. Political Organization in Central Asia and Azerbijan. Sources and Documents. Copy- right, 2004. Cummings Center. 99 p.
6 Kasimzhanov A.H. Portraits: Sketches for a History of the Steppe. ‒ Almaty, 1995. ‒ p. 128
7 Galiev V. Public activities of political exiles in the North-Eastern Kazakhstan (1890-1904). ‒ Almaty, 2004. ‒ 216 p.
8 Musabalina G.T. Elite of Alash Orda. .
9 History of Kazakhstan (from ancient times to the present day). Five volumes. Volume 3. ‒ Almaty “Atamura”, 2000. ‒ p.
10 Lamin V.A., Shilovsky M.V. “Siberian autonomists (regionalists) and figures of “Alash-Orda” // Proceedings of the interna- tional scientific-practical conference “The influence of the ideas of the movement “Alash” in Eurasia: Past and present”. ‒ P. 27
11 Amanzholova D.A. Alash as an ethno-political phenomenon: the experience of the historical and historiographical reflection
// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “The influence of the ideas of the movement “Alash” in Eurasia: Past and present”. ‒ p.13
12 Dave B. Kazakhstan: ethnicity, language and power. London: Routledqe 2007. 242 p.