To the issue of discrimination of media literacy and information competence


  • A. A. Kudabai Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        40 35


Media education, which called media pedagogy in Western countries, is quite a young phenomenon. Her birth was predetermined by the “information crisis” that arose as a result of an avalanche-like jump in mass information flows that occurred in the middle of the last century. Since that time, the information has doubled every 20 months, against 50 years of the beginning of the last century. The man and the society were not ready for an “information explosion”, which caused a lot of psychological, social, politi- cal and economic problems. Traditional science and education were unable to foresee, react and thereby alleviate such stress in society. There was a need for a new field of scientific knowledge and practical activity. The article gives a short digression into the history of these processes and their consequences.

In this article, the author also pays attention to the correlation and interaction of the terms “media literacy”, “information competence” and “media education”. And also the fact that modern changes in communication and information technologies require changes not only in technical solutions, but also corrective approaches to the very understanding of the phenomena taking place and their internal mechanisms, where conceptual confusion and confusion are often encountered.

Key words: Media, media literacy, media education, information competence, information explo- sion, information crisis, communication technologies, journalistic education.


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How to Cite

Kudabai, A. A. (2022). To the issue of discrimination of media literacy and information competence. Herald of Journalism, 46(4), 140–146. Retrieved from