Mass media and terrorism: emotions and assumptions
This article tells about coverage of news in the media and news are related to the terroristic the- matic. The author conducts research of news portals in order to prove that news often provokes in people an excessive fear of terrorism. Many scientists and experts already have identified direct interaction between the media and international terrorism. This article also provides their views. The base of the research were news materials about the events of mass shooting in Las Vegas, which occurred in Octo- ber 2017. News portals such as Tengrinews, GulfNews, Reuters, RIA Novosti, Euronews were selected for the study. Data from the World Value Survey portal and data from the Global Terrorism Index were also used. A comparative analysis of the survey results from the WVS portal and the results of the news analysis was carried out. As a result of this study, you can understand that the media have a great influ- ence on the mass consciousness of people. This article can be a good material for study for all people interested in this topic.
Key words: Mass Media, terrorism, mass consciousness, emotions, fear, news, survey.
2 Euronews – informational portal
3 – informational portal
4 Global Terrorism Index 2016.
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11 Reuters – informational portal.
12 RIA-Novosti – informational portal
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15 3 October. [Availabe at: vom-las-327735/]
16 2 October. [Available at: krovavuyu-327720/]
17 Shooting in Las Vegas. 2 October. [Available at: li-desyatki-ranenyi-327680/]
18 William E. Biernatzki, SJ, PhD. (2002). Terrorism and Mass Media.Volume 21 (2002) No.1