Travel journalism as a phenomenon of modern media space


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The article is devoted to the problem of the relevance of travel journalism and its needs. The relevance of the study shows that in addition to information activities in the media, it also exists for educational purposes. Thus, it shows that society maximize knowledge and understanding through travel journalism, it is a kind of means of education. Even if it adheres only to the informational orientation.

The purpose of the article is to study the history of the development of travel journalism and its changes on the Internet. The issues of travel journalism are analyzed by the research works of not only Kazakhstani scientists, but also researchers from near and far abroad.

  1. Baldwin, B. Cocking, E. Fürsich, N.S. Hegelova and others research works of theorists and practitioners of travel journalism were used like research methodology. G. Kubatian, C. Miller and B. Pirolli informing about the advantages of travel journalism and noting that the main directions of it have significant interest from the consumers of visual content.

The scientific idea of the study is not only an individual consideration of certain areas of journalism industry, but also fully reveals the picture of society. Thus, it is necessary to make it possible to stabilize the basic theories of journalism industry, separately consider its development and journalistic genres in the media.

Travel journalism needs to transfer world experience based on national culture. This is because media are the means of education to a certain extent. This only makes us explore the world. This contributes to the sustainable development of travel journalism in Kazakhstan: travel content is in demand by any audience.

            Keywords: travel journalism, travel programs, popular science, travel show, infotainment.


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