Legal principle in ethics and responsibility of a journalist




media ethics, code of ethics, legal journalism, rule of law, duty of a journalist.


The effectiveness of mass media activities is directly related to the degree to which a journalist learns the legal and ethical principle. Legal and journalistic ethics and discipline, freedom of speech and the press are the cornerstones of the entire work of a journalist.

It is necessary to determine the theoretical nature, practical basis, legal norm of media ethics and conduct thorough research with the passage of time. Today, there is a need to assess the place of the legal and ethical rule of journalist ethics in journalism.

The main purpose of the scientific article is to conduct a scientific study of the problems of professional ethics of a journalist, analyze ethical codes in improving legal literacy, conduct an assessment study with a qualitative reflection on the sources of mass information.

The methodology of the research is determined by the theoretical nature of media ethics, the principles of journalist rights and freedoms, data and scientific research, and an expert analysis is carried out.

In the course of the article, the ethical aspect of a journalist through the right and duty of journalistic creativity is considered. Attention is paid to a large-scale study of foreign research specialists, an examination of journalistic legal and regulatory documents is carried out. An important point in improving the activities of a journalist, creative literacy is analyzed.

As a result of the research work, the thematic, substantive, journalistic legal signature of media ethics in a legal publication is analyzed by argument. The study relied on the work of several theoretical scientists who were critical of the effectiveness of ethical codes. An important issue in media ethics was substantiated by Analysis, Conclusion, and a decisive direction was given.

The scientific and practical significance of his scientific work is to reveal the concept of media ethics, to show the codes of ethics, legal and legal literacy of a journalist. Sometimes morality in society becomes law. Of course, although the two are related, it is necessary to evaluate the task of ethics in detail in order to make it clear that the two are not the same thing.

The novelty of the research is the theoretical assessment of the journalist's experience in ethical decision-making in society. After all, a set of rules that are considered ethical values should be the main interest for a journalist.

The value of the research work is to reveal and analyze the essence of the problem that goes beyond the framework, analyzing the media norm in the media. For the same purpose, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on mass media", the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the "Criminal Code" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the "Civil Code" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses", etc. The scientific article contains facts, reasoning, and thoughts in today's legal publication in journalism.


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