Dynamics of coverage of the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people in the media





Online publications, the press, the scientific and cultural process, the phenomenon of Kazakh culture, audiovisual programs.


The relevance of the topic is due to the multifaceted phenomenon of the culture of Kazakhstan, the perception of which in the state itself and beyond its borders often acquires an inappropriate character, in connection with which scientists and artists face the task of correcting the situation with the help of various means of communication. The purpose of the study is to consider the media as a tool for demonstrating the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, to investigate the methodology and dynamics of its display in various sources. The empirical method (content analysis) and theoretical methods (methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization) were used for the study. This paper indirectly examines the dynamics of coverage of Kazakh culture in the media since the state declared its independence; on the example of various national (AltynArt, ARTS ACADEMY, Central Asian Journal of Art Studies) and world (Vogue, Time, People) art publications, thematic publications of the last decade are analyzed; the main omissions in the coverage of this topic in the media are considered and the activation of new scientific and cultural processes in the field of Kazakh Internet journalism based on the cultural codification of information within the framework of modern media discourse is witnessed. The practical significance of the study consists in analyzing the ways of interpreting Kazakh culture and the level of disclosure of the phenomenon of the spiritual heritage of the people of Kazakhstan in national and international media, which can be useful for young specialists in the field of folklore (including Kazakh), journalists working in this industry, as well as researchers wishing to develop the above topic in other directions.


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