Thematic programs (television) and periodicals about the culture of the period of Kazakhstan’s independence


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cultural policy; mass media; art journalism; national identity; globalization; information space.


The relevance of the topic of this scientific work lies in the fact that in the context of globalization the national media in Kazakhstan will have to solve the problem of consolidating society by preserving the cultural identity of the Kazakh people with its rich cultural heritage and potential. Analysis of the ac- tivities of media resources and the problems of the industry will make it possible to improve the cultural policy of the state and make culture an effective tool for the formation of national ideology and value orientations of citizens. The purpose of the study is to formulate trends and features of the development of Kazakh mass media about culture in the post-Soviet period. The methodological basis of scientific work was built based on a combination of such methods of cognition as comparative, historical, forecast- ing, structural-functional and classification. The main results of the research work consist in analyzing the process of creating qualitatively new media in Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet period, assessing the influ- ence of Kazakh media resources on the formation of cultural priorities of citizens, formulating prospects for improving the industry press in the context of recognizing culture as a factor in the development of society. In addition, the work examined the mechanisms for forming the state’s cultural policy, among which one of the key places is the widespread use of information technologies in the field of culture, and also studied the main topics of television programs and the genre diversity of cultural periodicals. The materials of the work can be applied in research fields: the work can be useful for scientists whose areas of interest include the development of journalism in Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet period, as well as for civil servants of the country implementing policies in the cultural sphere.

Author Biographies

A.A. Nurash, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Aidana Nurash – PhD student of KazNU named after al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan,


A.V. Rozhkov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Aleksandr Rozhkov – Candidate of  Sciences in  Philology, senior teacher at the UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication, al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, email:


How to Cite

Nurash, A., & Rozhkov, A. (2024). Thematic programs (television) and periodicals about the culture of the period of Kazakhstan’s independence. Herald of Journalism, 73(3), 132–141.