Types of headlines in the “Astana Times” newspaper
international journalism, English-language media, country PR, headline, The “Astana Times” newspaper.Abstract
Over the years of its existence, The “Astana Times” newspaper has not attracted the attention of Kazakhstani or foreign scientists; thus, the novelty of the study is underlined by absolutely new material. The relevance of the work is indicated by the need to train journalists in Kazakhstan who are able to write in English, the dominance of English as an international language, hence the creation of English-language media in the CIS countries, as well as globalization and the increasing role that the image of a country, formed through the media-prism, has on its investment attractiveness and tourism development. The basis of the study is 233 headlines (markers of the language style of articles) published in the above-mentioned newspaper. The aim is to identify linguistic and stylistic features of The “Astana Times” headlines and to classify them. The following methods were used: content analysis, synthesis, theoretical modeling method, information folding method. For cluster separation of headlines, the typology of A.S. Borisova was applied and supplemented. The following key results were obtained: headlines in The “Astana Times” newspaper broadcast the pro-government position of the editorial board; the headlines do not use humor, jargon, slang, irony, puns, rhyme, phraseological units, quotes; all headlines, anyway, carry an advertising character: the information content is weakly expressed, active use of “calls to action” is traced; newspaper headlines are aimed, first of all, at forming a positive image of Kazakhstan abroad; they are oriented towards foreign readers, which is confirmed by the interpretation of local words right in the headlines.