Basics of Media Design.


  • N. B. Eskuatova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
        146 85


media design, typical signs of periodicals, the architecture of the newspaper.


This paper presents the general concepts of media design, a brief history of the origin of design and fonts in the world and Kazakhstan. Presented tasks, responsibilities and principles of media design. Typical signs of periodicals, which are divided into basic types: objective, subjective and objective-subjective. The author also writes about the general architecture of the newspaper, which is important for media design periodicals.


1 Тулупов В.В. Дизайн периодических изданий. – СПб., 2006. – С.17.
2 Əбілқасымов В. Алғашқы газеттерінің тілі. – Алматы, 1971.
3 Глазычев В.Л. О дизайне. – M., 1970.


How to Cite

Eskuatova, N. B. (2016). Basics of Media Design. Herald of Journalism, 33(1). Retrieved from