The ways of acsthic education by fi ne art compositions.
national culture, art, esthetic education, creativity.Abstract
The definion of thtorttical bases of aesthetic education of the schoolchildrtn on intial classes bу means representation creativinу is consioltrtd in this article. The baser teashing art it is developed pupil`s intention of thinking, memorizing of what have seen, creative imagination, arfisfic inclination, humanehess and feeling of beauty and cerfainly this feabure intenence to developing person`s character. Teacher need determine kinds of art lessons ( illustrate with looking, illustrate on the theme, arts and craffs) or habit degree of acbivity and competence extracurriculum work. The bases of completely teaching art comes from necessity of teashing art togethet other jubjecfs.References
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How to Cite
Сапарбаева, У. А. (2016). The ways of acsthic education by fi ne art compositions. Herald of Journalism, 33(1). Retrieved from