Speechwriting as a technology of PR: theories and concepts
speechwriting, business rhetoric, public relations, image of the company, management of the image, rhetoric.Abstract
The article deals with speechwriting such as one of the main PR technology. Should be stressed the difference between the terms speech writing and business rhetoric, referent activities . Are proposed the main theories about speechwriting and conclusions are drawn about the role of speechwriting in the information world and rialto of information. At tempts are made to analyze, formulate that why this sphere hasn’t been researched in Kazakhstan yet. The author analyzes and expressed his point of view on the basic theory about speechwriting. In this article has been investigated features of concepts “speechwriting” and “speechwriter”. Has been considering the speechwriting in terms of linguistics, rhetoric and PR, has been investigated why different scientific spheres of interest in this topic. Theme and essence of speechwriting hasn’t been enough studied in our country.
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