Cultural and environment component of modern communications
The authors of the article aim to draw attention to the need to take into account the archetypal, behavioral, cultural and environmental factors and other psychological factors, such as the presence of archetypes, archetypal images, stereotypes, automatisms and cultural codes in the mind, behavior and perception of man, in the detuning of mass-communicative strategies.They analyze the errors in this perspective of the problem, explain the reasons for their occurrence and the ways in which they can be solved. Separately considered a cultural phenomenon in the context of the archetypal-behavioral constants and patterns,clarified the conceptual and substantive aspects of different approaches to the study of how the phenomenon itself, and highlights key moments of transformation of ideas in line with the individual and the collective unconscious. The value of the study is the opportunity for a deeper and more thorough study of these problems of mass-communicative impact, which make it possible to use more widely the instruments of other related scientific fields, a fresh and unconventional view of the problematic. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibilities of directly applying the results of such studies in correcting and correctly arranging effective communicative messages.
Key words: mass media, archetypes, stereotypes, automatisms, opinion leaders, behavioral patterns, cultural codes, cultural environment, mass communications.