The structure of application«SMART NEWS» and usage as information resource
In the article we give information about new mobile application, which made by Kazakh developers named “Smart News”. You can find large information about steps in developing process, also about ways of usage the application. Main advantage of the mobile application is that, we collect in one touch all kind of new media. On the other hand, the application gives new motivation to traditional media in progress with the time and technology to be closer to auditory.
120 Хабаршы. Журналистика сериясы. №2 (48). 2018
“SMART NEWS” бaғдaрлaмaсының
мен aқпaрaт тaрaтудaғы қолдaнысы
XXI century is the era of information and high technologies. Therefore, in order not to miss the news
flow, we should go in step with time. Creating cultural and economic ties with important information
on the Internet, it is currently distributed hourly basis. Unfortunately, not every citizen of our country
can access it immediately. To do this, there are lots of reasons. One of these reasons is the restriction
of the right opportunities. The second reason is that the flow of information is often printed in English.
Translation from English into Russian, from Russian into Kazakh language performed for a long time, thus
access to the flow of information comes later. Unfortunately, our people now spend a lot of time on
social networks.
According to statistical data of foreign citizens of Europe, read the newspaper in the subway has
become a habit. The main goal is to increase interest in reading, learning and getting information to the
people. Essence of my program is due to advanced technology and smart phones to increase people’s
interest in reading. The main purpose of the special team set up to receive and translate foreign publications
within the last posts of social needs, distributed among readers. Of course, there are many programs
that are broadcast today; to differ, and not only have their own signature to awaken interest will
also be visual design features.
Key words: media, technology, development, information, auditory, news, mobile application.