Legend «Alpamys batyr»: historicism and typology


  • Абдиманулы О. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        42 142


Key words: documentary material, monument, plot, character, variant, historical figure, legend, epic, genre.


Epic «Alpamys Batyr» – a work universally common perception in all Turkic peoples. The author turns his attention to the relationship story tales system based on traditional motifs with BAMS Beyreka actions of the «Book of Dede Korkut». Typological similarity of these two works is found in the miraculous birth of Batyr BAMS Bayreka, named his name in the cradle, in the adventures of the central character in the camp of the enemies, ultimately – in the presence of Batyr to toe his wife, and other motifs. The author correlated in a number of variants of the ancient Oguz monuments and legends «Alpamys Batyr». The article deals with the question of the historical basis of the legend «Alpamys Batyr». More precisely, based on the actual sources of «Bloodline Turkmens» Abulgazi researcher confirms the existence of certain historical figures: Alpamys and Barsha – once existed in Oguz. At the same time, many documents and testimonies kind Konyrat were significantly lost due to his nomadic during the Golden Horde.
Key words: documentary material, monument, plot, character, variant, historical figure, legend, epic, genre.


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2 Жирмунский В.М. Тюркский героический эпос. – Л., 1974.
3 Бaртольд В.В. Очерк истории Семиречия. – М., 1943.
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How to Cite

О., А. (2018). Legend «Alpamys batyr»: historicism and typology. Herald of Journalism, 42(4), 136–139. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/982