Resources and pragmatics of interaction between traditional journalism and modern media


  • Тлепбергенова А.А. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Барлыбаева С.Х.
        41 27


Key words: journalism, media, postmodernism in journalism, a transformation language environment, expressive means of language, journalistic style, poetic style, evaluation of newspaper and journalistic vocabulary, newspaper and journalistic style.


The article deals with the problem of the leading trends in contemporary media field: journalistic resources, creativity and media, their interaction in the creation and development of new forms of presenting information; project concept development of modern information flows; active promotion of the idea of linguistic information in terms of democratization of society.


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How to Cite

А.А., Т., & С.Х., Б. (2018). Resources and pragmatics of interaction between traditional journalism and modern media. Herald of Journalism, 42(4), 148–151. Retrieved from