The truth and dicision in Shokan’s works
Key words: poetry, truth,anatomy, cooperation, image, natural phenomenon.Abstract
Murathan Shokan is one of the last stage writers of Kazakh poetry. The truth in his writings about the life you can see and even feel. Especially he describes natural phenomenas exactly. he tries to explain to the reader about the peculiar mystery of the lunar night as well. He is looking for agreement in the blue sky, white snow, in the autumn rain and in the garden. He especially likes to portray the lunar night-rays and all the beauty in the moonlight. Many world writers who wrote their works on only one topic. Shokan was one of those who was inspired by only the moon. And really want to believe that not only writers such as Shokan are inspired by the moonlight.
1 Aбaй. Тaңдaмaлы шығaрмaлaры, 2 томдық, – Aлмaты. – 236 б.
2 Поль В. Собрaние сочинений. – М., 1976. – 333 с.
3 Герберт С. Избрaнное. – М., 1977. – 387 с.
4 Мaқaтaев М. Өмір-өзен. – Aлмaты: Жaзушы, 1976. – 232 б.
5 Мырзaлиев Қ. Үш томдық шығaрмaлaр жинaғы. – Aлмaты, 1977. – 318 б.
6 Шоқaн М. Түнгі лирикa. – Aлмaты, 2016. – 323 б.
1 Abaj. Taңdamaly shyғarmalary, 2 tomdyқ, – Almaty. – 236 b.
2 Pol’ V. Sobranie sochinenij. – M., 1976. – 333 s .
3 Gerbert S. Izbrannoe. – M., 1977. – 387 s.
4 Maқataev M. Өmіr-өzen. – Almaty: Zhazushy, 1976. – 232 b.
5 Myrzaliev Қ. Үsh tomdyқ shyғarmalar zhinaғy. – Almaty, 1977. – 318 b.
6 Shoқan M. Tүngі lirika. – Almaty, 2016. – 323 b.