Сultural and educational journalism in Kazakhstan’s media system


  • А. Мусиновa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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Кілттік сөздер:

Kazakhstan, culture, art, mass media, «Bilim zhane Madeniet».


The idea of preserving the national code of the nation in the context of globalization through the development of mass media devoted to culture and art is important for Kazakhstan. But the information process inside the country contradicts the given trend on the face of the tendency to reduce the cultural and educational space in the media.

With a view to identify the objective causes of the crisis situation of cultural and educational journal-ism in independent Kazakhstan a case study, a content analysis of TV channels and a historical review of the media about culture and art was made.


It was revealed that the topic of education and culture is not in demand by a wide audience due to the lack of a creative approach to creating content by the editorial offices of television channels and the objective reasons for the outflow of the television audience to the Internet. Educational and cultural journalism gave way to entertainment content. New formats of information delivery reduced the role of journalist to a minimum.

The audience is experiencing a deficit in culture analytics on a professional communicative platform for expressing ideas and discussing them. Such communication is possible only in specialized media on issues of culture and art. Only in this way, a country can to preserve its national identity in the context of a new information society.






Журналистика: Қоғам. Тарих. Саясат. Заң. Экономика.