The role of national intelligentsia in the development of the first kazakh newspapers


  • Альжaновa А. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Tiлепберген А.

        206 122

Кілттік сөздер:

Kazakh intelligentsia, “Ai qap”, “Turkistan ualayatynyn Gazeti”, “Dala ualayatynyn Gazeti”, Kyrgyz steppe newspaper”, “Kazakh”.


The article analyzes the publications and speeches of representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia on the pages of the first Kazakh Newspapers. Mukhamedzhan Seralin, Zhusupbek Aymautov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Spandiyar Kubeev, Sabit Donentayev and others raised one common theme – education and literacy of Kazakhs. In some speeches, the national intelligentsia speaks about the need for education in General, in others about the need to teach Russian literacy. Noteworthy is the difference in points of view and approaches to solving development issues in Kazakhstan education in the speeches of the representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia, published in the Newspapers “Turkistan ualayatynyn Gazeti”, “Dala ualayatynyn Gazeti”, the Kyrgyz steppe newspaper”, “Ai qap”, the journal “Kazakh”. These first Kazakh Newspapers and magazines tried to acquaint wider circles of readers with the Kazakh steppe, to promote mutual understanding and gradual rapprochement of the people, whenever possible to counteract Imperial policy. The Kazakh people were not isolated from the culture of other Nations. From fairy tales, legends, legends, from the works of Shokan Valikhanov, the first Kazakh, acquainted with the world civilization, and Abai Kunanbayev, thanks to which Western classics spoke in the Kazakh language, he learned about the culture of a number of European Nations.


Как цитировать

А., А., & А. T. (2019). The role of national intelligentsia in the development of the first kazakh newspapers. Журналистика сериясы, 52(2), 32–37.



Журналистика: Қоғам. Тарих. Саясат. Заң. Экономика.