Semantic adaptation and evolution of kazakh lexical elements identified in the russian-language newspapers of kazakhstan in the second half of the xix and at the end of the xx centuries



Кілттік сөздер:

connotation, semantics, Kazakhisms, newspapers, vocabulary, language contacts.


The article presents a historical review of newspapers in which Kazakh lexical elements were widely used and performed an educational function. The purpose of the research is to identify the mechanism of borrowing, development and exploitation of Kazakhisms in Russian-language newspapers in the late XIX and late XX centuries. When conducting this linguistic analysis, traditional linguistic methods were used.

The results of the study of a comparative analysis of Kazakhisms of two historical periods allowed us to identify such trends in the development of the borrowing process as the transition from borrowing lexical units with a specific objective value to borrowing units of a cultural character; reduction of time of development of kazakhisms; a change in the function of Kazakhs in a newspaper text; change of the ways of borrowing. These data clarify, supplement and concretize a number of provisions of the general theory of borrowing, the theory of language contacts.

In conclusion, based on the study, conclusions are formulated: - the development of Kazakh vocabulary, entered through oral speech, began with a written fixation reflecting their pronunciation; - during the development of Kazakhisms in the second  half of the XIX century. The Russian lexical-semantic system retained their semantic volume, however, it made adjustments to the connotation of meanings; The conducted scientific research shows the presence of large changes both in the mechanism of borrowing by the Russian language of Kazakhisms and in the body of borrowings, their functions, which is a reflection of changes in psychology, national identity, objective conditions for the functioning of languages.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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TV – "Turkestanskie vedomosti” (Turkestan bulletin) (1870 – 1890).
TG – "Turgayskaya gazeta” (Turgay newspaper) (1892-1903).
SON – "Semirechenskie oblastnye novosti” (Semirechenskii regional news) (1892-1903).
NP – "Novoe pokolenie” (New generation) (1997-2001).
OA – "Ogni Alatau” (Fires of Alatau) (1995 – 2000).
V - "Vremya" (Time) (1996 – 2001).
Car. – "Caravan" (1996 – 2001).
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KТТS – Kazak tilinin tusindirme sozdigi (Explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language). Under the editorship of. A. Y. Yskakov –Alma-Ata: Gylym, 1979.
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Журналистика: Қоғам. Тарих. Саясат. Заң. Экономика.