Reflections on te «danger of temptation» in poetry of akyns and zhyraus, and Ahmed Yasawi «Diuani Hikmet»Размышления о вреде соблазна в произведении Кожа Ахмета Ясауи «Диуани хикмет» и поэзии поэтов-сказителей


  • Дәрібайұлы С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        46 55


temptation, literary heir, poet, perfect personality, reflec- tion song, faith, spirituality, spiritual experience.


This article reveals spiritual harmony, ideological and artistic unity of poetry – of akyns and zhyraus, and literary successors of the Middle Ages. Representatives of the traditional poetry schools of the Kazakh steppe, building their foundation in medieval poetry, do not depart from a strong tradition and further develop the idea of a highly moral ‘perfect man’, which narrates in the works of J. Balasaguni, X-A Yassavi, and A. Yugnaki. Through reflection songs of Shakarim Kudayberdiuly, Turmagambet Iz- tleuov, Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev, Zhussupbek Shakhislamuly, Karasakal Erimbet the article analyzes topics and ideas of the above poets about the dangers of temptation on the way of perfection of a ‘highly moral man.


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How to Cite

С., Д. (2020). Reflections on te «danger of temptation» in poetry of akyns and zhyraus, and Ahmed Yasawi «Diuani Hikmet»Размышления о вреде соблазна в произведении Кожа Ахмета Ясауи «Диуани хикмет» и поэзии поэтов-сказителей. Herald of Journalism, 37(1), 254–258. Retrieved from