Dastan «Tahir and Zuhra» and the continuation of artistic traditions


  • Бисенбаев П. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        45 230


option, the motive, the tradition, the epic plot, genre, heri- tage, Dastan, folklore, image.


One of the famous monuments of the literary heritage - «ta›zir and Zuhra» first spread by word of mouth, was later passed on to the paper. But to the present day, this monument of Central Asian Turkic tradition still became the object of deep study. The author aims, matching the known part of the monument with the subjects, bytuyuschimi the Uzbek, Turk- men, Tatar peoples to disclose the nature of romantic epic genre to reveal its artistic features and differences.

Here it is necessary to talk about harmony motifs found in art system Kazakh lyric-epic poem «Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu» and the Arab- Persian literary influences dastan «Layla and Mendzhnun.» However, the author does not neglect the influence of the literary and cultural relation- ship of the monument itself.


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How to Cite

П., Б. (2020). Dastan «Tahir and Zuhra» and the continuation of artistic traditions. Herald of Journalism, 38(2), 158–162. Retrieved from https://bulletin-journalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-journal/article/view/1300