VR content as a phenomenon of journalism transformation
The use of VR technologies in modern digital media production is a relevant and, at the same time, not fully studied phenomenon in the theory of world journalism. This article examines the phenomenon as “virtual reality, 360-degree video, graphic visualization and their use in media production.”
According to the author, many researchers point to the need for modern theoretical research to develop new media representations in a virtual environment. Since there are no theoretical studies and practical application of VR content in this direction in Uzbekistan, this study is based on scientific analyzes and practical experiments of foreign media experts. In particular, the author points to the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies in such areas as architecture, industry, manufactur- ing, and increases the marketing activity of universities in Uzbekistan. In the field of journalism, the study of new manifestations of phenomenal visualizations, for example, immersive technologies, as the possibilities and prospects of VR technologies, according to the author of the article, remains an urgent issue.
The purpose of the article is to provide practitioners and theorists of journalism with an understand- ing of the importance of VR technologies as one of the digital media platforms. And also about the changes in traditional journalism in connection with the introduction of new technologies.
The relevance of the topic lies in the study from a scientific point of view of the new technological format as immersiveness in the preparation of journalistic material.
The research methodology includes theoretical and comparative analysis of the study of virtual real- ity technologies based on the research of domestic and foreign media experts, analysis of the experience of universities and media organizations.
The author believes that the phenomenon of VR technologies involves theoretical comprehension and practical application in the media space of Uzbekistan.
The results of the study will make it possible to make a certain contribution to the development of digital technologies in the country’s media sphere. The practical significance of the results of this scien- tific work lies in the analysis of a new visualization format as immersiveness, which is accompanied by the creation of programs with their own audio and video sequences in 360 degrees. This forces the user to dive deeply into the event.
Key words: research, virtual reality, immersive journalism, transformation of journalism, Uzbekistan.
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