Media affection on digitalization process of social services


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This article explains the role of mass media in the development of the digitalization process in the field of social services, including on the e-government platform. The paper asked the following questions: "What types of media can we use or how do we use them to get useful information? Do people use a special e-government application? What is it and does it really matter?" In the process of research, answers to these questions were found thanks to social surveys and data collection.

The purpose of the article is to describe the impact of media on the development and change of the digitalization process in the field of social services. The idea of the article was taken from the list of services on the e-government platform and their transformation from the traditional format into an electronic form. Especially interesting the role of social networks in promoting the use of e-government. Therefore, the object of the study will be the types of media as online platforms.

The practical significance lies in finding the reason why people choose the traditional way of providing services. The scientific significance is determined by the novelty of the topic in the field of digitalization regarding the media and its impact on the development of social services. In this scientific article quality methodology was used, including a survey among system users, comparative analysis and case-based examples.

Keywords: digitalization, social services, mass media, e-government.


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Электронды ресурстар:
19. https://astanatv.kz_articles


1. Berton J., Esteves E., İanovski T., 2016: Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework. Government information Quarterly, 33 (2), 211-222 BB.
2. Chi Vei Fang, Atreii Kankanhali, 2008 : The current state and future of E-Participation Research, Handbook of Research on Public Information Technology, 70-80 bb.
3. Kreig Ron, 2008: E-Government and SMEs, Handbook of Research on Public Information Technology, 94-104 bb.
4. Fernandes N. Nansi, 2010 : Effectiveness on Social Networking Sites in Marketing, Journal of Humanities and Social science, 72-76 BB.
5. Fink A., 2010: Conducting research literature reviews: From the Internet to paper (3rd edition), International Journal of the Computer, The Internet and Management (2), 1-22 BB.
6. Flak L.S., Ders V., İansen A., Krogsti J., Spelkavik i., Olnes s., 2009: What is the value of eGovernment – and how we can actually realize it? Transforming Government: People and Policy, 3(3), 220-226 BB
7. Holden, Norris jäne Flecher, 2003 : Information Technology Among U.S. Local Governments, 132-144 BB
8. Karkin N., Janssen M., 2014: Evaluating websites from a public value perspective: A review of Turkish local government websites. International Journal of Information Management, 34 (3), 351-363 BB.
9. Makkahi D., Baumgardner, s., Godes, A., Laroşel, D., Vu, Raichura, T., 2014: Best practices in social media: Utilizing a value matrix to access social media’s impact on health care. Social Science Computer Review 32 (5), 575-589 BB.
10. Nu V.,2004: E-government for developing countries: Opportunities and challenges, The electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 18 Tom.
11. Norris Pippa, 2008: İnternettıñ saiasi belsendılıkke äserı: Europadan alynğan mälımetter, qoğamdyq aqparattyq tehnologialardy zertteu boiynşa anyqtamalyq [The impact of the Internet on Political Activism: evidence from Europe, Handbook of Research on Public Information Technology], 889-904 bb.
12. Pan B.,Krotts J., 2012: Theoretical models of social media, marketing implications and future research directions. Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality – Theory, practice and cases, 73-86 bb.
13. Reddi Malati jäne Kumar, doktor l. Kuladip, 2016A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising in India, SSRN saitynda qol jetımdı:
14. Tūrsynbaeva A., Masino F., Klaudia P., 2017 : Qoğamdyq densaulyq saqtau sektorynda elektrondyq ükımet üşın äleumettık jelılerdı paidalanu: jarialanğan zertteulerge jüielı şolu [Use of social media for e-Government in the public health sector: A systematic review of published studies], ükımettık aqparat toqsan saiyn 34, 270-282 BB.
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Electronic sources:

4. https://astanatv.kz_articles


How to Cite

Tleubayeva, N., & Beresova, A. (2023). Media affection on digitalization process of social services. Herald of Journalism, 67(1).