The actual problems of mass media and data journalism in Kazakhstan
The aim of the article is to conduct a systematic analysis of Kazakhstani mass media database and open data published abroad; dwell as deeply as possible on the methods of working with the flow of information in domestic and foreign mass media, analyze with specific examples the methods of searching and communicating on journalistic language.
In this study the pace of development of Kazakhstan's data journalism, its reflection in mass media are differentiated by specific examples. On the new media platform in Kazakhstan, it is proved that data journalism not only becomes a trend, but also meets the needs of society in the need of information value. This study analyzes the features of information dissemination in modern Kazakh journalism, including the role and specifics of new media in the information age, which indicates the scientific and practical significance of the article.
This article not only collects general information on the aforecited topic, but also systematically describes the development of data journalism in Kazakh and foreign media using comparative analysis.
In conclusion the answers to the questions about the development direction of data journalism in Kazakhstan, the role of open data policy, the quality of information and its processing in social networks are given. In addition, the issues of determining high-quality or low-quality information and checking the reliability of data are covered.
The fight against misinformation itself helps students studying journalism gain experience by answering questions about the role of Kazakhstani mass media representatives in collecting and analyzing a wide range of information and transmitting it to the public through social networks and mass media.
Keywords: data journalism, mass media, infographics, new media, innovation, digital, Internet.
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