Transformation of mass media in the modern period in Kazakhstan
Mass communication today in the 21st century is what oil and gas is in the 20th century. It is the fuel on which socio-political, economic and cultural mechanisms operate. The 21st century has come, it has brought with it modern media technologies, the Internet, flash drives, gadgets, cell phones, tablets, smartphones, new media in the form of social networks and the blogosphere.
The purpose of the study: to analyze the current stage of development of the mass media in Kazakhstan in the era of digitalization, to show the transformation of the media sphere, which influenced the development of the information space in the country, changed the mass media, their structure, activities.
Research methodology: A comprehensive analysis of changes in new media, their impact on the audience, content analysis of materials on the topic of culture in electronic and print media was used.
Research results. Modern advances in the development of the Internet, mobile telephony, cable and satellite TV, digital broadcasting are changing the course of development of world communications, the information landscape of countries and regions.
Practical significance. The study can be used in the preparation of future journalists as materials for specialized and elective disciplines. The work can serve as a theoretical and practical basis for further media research.
Key words: transformation, new media, information technologies, communication, Kazakhstan.
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