Problems of media management and marketing in the Kazakh press


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New technologies have been introduced into the life of society in such a way that the preferences of modern readers (viewers, listeners) are changing, and the demand for modern journalism is increasing. It is obvious that in the future the importance of the information industry will increase along with the functionality of the mass media. The purpose of this study is to study modern mass media in Kazakhstan, as well as to study existing problems in the field of management and marketing. The methodological basis of this study included theoretical methods of scientific cognition. In this study, methods of synthesis and analysis of information, comparative method, method of system analysis of data were used, as well as a theoretical analysis of literary sources on this issue was carried out. In addition, a sociological survey was conducted to analyze the level of readers' interest. The study analyzes the experience of Kazakhstani newspapers: "Egemen Kazakhstan", "Business Kazakhstan" and "Risk Business". In the course of the study, the main problems of the Kazakh media were studied. The practical value of this study lies in the results presented in it, since they can be used to study the experience of foreign and Kazakh media. The study also offers practical recommendations that managers and marketers of various media resources can use.

Keywords: mass media; Kazakh press; media management; global information space; Kazakh journalism.


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How to Cite

Amangeldiyeva, G. S., & Zhuzeyev, S. A. (2023). Problems of media management and marketing in the Kazakh press. Herald of Journalism, 69(3), 92–102.