How the national TV channel «Qazaqstan» developing creative content for its social media pages


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media, TV channel, social networks, creative industry, target audience.


Today, every television channel maintains a presence on social media platforms, offering audiences timely and relevant information. This integration into social networks is a vital aspect of contemporary journalism, where the efficiency and speed of information dissemination are paramount. Information is no longer disseminated solely through traditional media; instead, social networks have become an integral part of convergent journalism.

This article delves into the creative aspects of the national TV «Qazaqstan» channel's social media pages. It explores the various functions that the TV channel performs in order to engage the target audience and retain viewers.

The primary objective of this study is the examination of «Qazaqstan» TV channel's activity on social networks, comparing its presence across Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram channels. The research incorporates findings from the experts in the industry and evaluates the effectiveness of TV channel's persona on social media in attracting viewers.

The scientific focus of this study is the assessment the distinctive features and advantages of the Qazaqstan TV channel's format on social networks, positioning it within the broader creative industry. The paper not only scrutinizes fundamental social network theories but also investigates their practical applications. Emphasis is placed on exploring the potential ways of presenting the TV channel to its audience through social media platforms.

In this research, empirical investigation forms the foundation, guided by both deductive and inductive reasoning. The findings reveal that the TV channel is increasingly attracting viewers through social networks, indicating that the national TV channel «Qazaqstan» is adapting to contemporary demands.

Building a presence on social networks and cultivating a consistent readership requires time, as it involves forging a creative path while preserving uniqueness in any given field. The existence of the TV channel's social media pages aligns with the contemporary societal demands and underscores its relevance to the current times. In essence, the engagement on social networks serves not only to attract a regular readership but also to convert them into loyal viewers.


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Авторлар туралы мәлімет:

Тлепова Алуа Маратқызы (корреспондент автор) – әлеуметтік ғылымдар магистрі, Журналистика және саясаттану факультеті, Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті (Астана қ., Қазақстан, эл.почта:;

Information about authors:

Tlepova Alua (corresponding author) – Master of Social Sciences, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, L.N. Gumiliov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan, е-mail:

Поступило 2 марта 2024 г.

Принято 14 мая 2024 г.


